Old gardeners know, that small red radish radishes and garlics are good companions in the garden as they have similar growing requirements and can benefit from each other’s presence.
Radishes are quick-growing vegetables that mature within a month, while garlic takes longer to grow and is usually harvested in late summer or fall. Planting them together allows you to maximize the use of space and optimize your garden yield.
This means that each of these plants can take what it needs from the soil and be ready for harvesting before it gets too crowded. If you’re up for smart gardening, or your plot is not too spacious, make sure to check our chart of companion planting.
Also, you will have abundance of healthy radish salad in the summer if you’ll include either of the following vegetables. Here is tried and tested list of other vegetables to grow with radishes.
When planting your summer salad mix, make sure to get these salads and herbs:
- Lettuce: Various types of lettuce, such as leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, or butterhead lettuce, are ideal for salads and can be harvested when young for a continuous supply.
- Spinach: This leafy green vegetable is packed with nutrients and can be harvested for salads when the leaves are young and tender.
- Cucumbers: Cucumbers add a refreshing crunch to salads. Look for compact or bush varieties if you have limited space.
- Tomatoes: Cherry tomatoes or smaller varieties are great options for container gardening or small plots. They add color and flavor to your salads.
- Herbs: Basil, parsley, cilantro, and mint are excellent herbs to include in your summer salad mix. They provide additional flavors and aromas.
- Spring onions or scallions: These can be harvested early in the season and used as a garnish or to add a mild onion flavor to your salads.
Don’t forget that proper spacing, sunlight, water, and soil conditions are essential for successful growth. Happy gardening!
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